Daniel Jacoby, who served as Québec Ombudsman from 1987 to 2001, passed away on September 3.
“He made a major contribution to the promotion of fairness and justice for citizens in the public services,” declared the Ombudsperson, Raymonde Saint-Germain.
“He cared deeply about issues that are still making headlines today, such as accountability of public services, the status of vulnerable individuals and the right to die with dignity,” she emphasized.
Trained as a lawyer, Daniel Jacoby was a Professor at the Université de Montréal before becoming Deputy Minister with the Ministère de la Justice and then Québec Ombudsman. During this mandate, he served as Executive Secretary, of the International Ombudsman Institute, Founding Member and President of the Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie and Vice-President of the Canadian Ombudsman Association.
Source: Office of the Québec Ombudsman, Canada