LITHUANIA | The Seimas Ombudspersons’ Office publishes its Annual Report 2022

The implementation of the mission of the Seimas Ombudspersons – to pay attention to and assist each individual by protecting and respecting human rights and freedoms and promoting dialogue between the individual and the government, so that  government institutions can serve the people well – continued successfully in 2022, with the three main objectives (mandates) assigned to the Ombudspersons:

  • investigating citizens‘ complaints of abuse and bureaucracy by state and municipal officials (except judges),
  • the prevention of torture, 
  • the functions of the national human rights institution

The recently published Seimas Ombudspersons' Annual report 2022 showcases these objectives.

To read the full annual report, kindly refer to the download section below.


Source: The Seimas (Parliamentary) Ombudspersons' Office of the Republic of Lithuania

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