With the financial support of the IOI the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman (AOM) held a training session on the topic “The Powers of the Mediator and the Ombudsman in the Defense of Human Rights”.

The UN resolution on the role of the Ombudsman institutions supporting both, the creation and the upgrading process of Ombudsman institutions as well as the exchange of good practices and know-how between the participants were the main objectives of the AOM training held in Rabat from 13th to 15th December 2011. The training was organized by the Moroccan Institution of the Mediateur and could be realized by utilization of IOI regional subsidies.

Within five modules round the main topic the 31 participants discussed, amongst other themes, the role of Ombudsman institutions in the defense of human rights in comparison to National Institutions of Human Rights (NIHRs). This training was intended for collaborators working in institutions of mediation that are members of the AOM and feel the need of a technical support and was supported by the European Ombudsman as well as by the Venice Commission (Council of Europe).

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