Several IOI member institutions that act as a National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) based on the Paris Principles will participate in the 25th annual meeting of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) that will take place in Geneva, Switzerland.

The agenda of this meeting includes several items that are of specific interest to ombudsman institutions and IOI members: There will be a report by the Sub-Committee on Accreditation on recent re-accreditation procedures and there will be a debate on the Paris Principles and the ICC accreditation system in general. The agenda will equally include a focus on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Sub Committee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) will share its experience on visits and on National Preventive Mechanisms with those NHRIs that perform a NPM function within the OPCAT framework. Good practises will also be shared about the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review and NHRI involvement in this process.

The Agenda and further documents can be found on the ICC Website.

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