Following the resignation of Mr. Alex Brenninkmeijer, a vacancy has occurred on the European Regional Board of the IOI.
At the recent meeting of the European Board in Brussels, it was agreed that the preferred option for filling the vacancy left by Mr Brenninkmeijer’s resignation was an electronic ballot. This will require a change to the Rules and it was agreed that members should be consulted on a proposal to use an electronic rather than a postal ballot. This is in keeping with the decision of the World Board in New York that in principle, all future elections should be conducted in this way.
The Rules of the European Region stipulate that the ballot should be organised by the Regional Vice President. The Irish Ombudsman, Mr. Peter Tyndall, has been asked by the European Board to take on this role. Mr Tyndall will shortly be writing to all European voting members giving the required one month's notice of the vote to amend the rules to allow electronic voting.
Voting members will also be asked to give consideration to either standing for the vacant place on the Board themselves or nominating a colleague Ombudsman member of the IOI. All nominated candidates will be asked to provide a maximum 250 word statement to be circulated to members in advance of the vote, which it is hoped will take place during March 2014, to enable the new member to participate in the Regional Board meeting in April.
Source: Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland