AUSTRALIA | Victorian Ombudsman to investigat allegations of abuse in the disability sector

There has been widespread concern about the way in which allegations of abuse in the disability sector are handled. In response, the Victorian Ombudsman announced an investigation into how such allegations are reported and investigated.

The focus of the investigation is on the reporting of abuse and not specifically its causes. As a consequence, the Victorian Ombudsman will look closely at the way in which service providers operate.

In settling the scope of this investigation, the Ombudsman of Victoria has considered:

  • feedback from the submissions process
  • the role the agencies and/or services play in supporting people with a disability
  • the timing of the consultation and roll-out of the NDIS
  • concerns identified in our meetings with individuals and advocacy organisations
  • information published in the reports of the DSC and Office of the Public Advocate (OPA)

The report of the first phase of this investigation will be finalized in the first half of this year. The final report will be tabled in the second half of the year.

For more information on this important investigation, please click HERE.


Source: Victorian Ombudsman, AUSTRALIA

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