WORLD | Webinar on engaging with access to information

Increasing transparency and Access to Information is at the core of OGP values and principles. Faced with the growing demand for quality, useful and reliable information, as well as the urgent need to improve public confidence in public institutions, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) created an Access to Information Working Group (ATI WG) in 2013.

The main objectives of this OGP Working Group are to support learning opportunities among OGP member countries, to encourage more ambitious commitments on Access to Information as part of OGP action plans, and to engage the participation of stakeholders in the formulation and oversight of Access to Information commitments.

This webinar will cover the presentation of the 2015 work plan of the OGP’s Access to Information Working Group. The speakers will discuss the importance of ensuring the right of Access to Information, its potential impact on citizens’ quality of life and its role on building more democratic and equal societies.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and speakers include Laura Neuman, Director of Global Access to Information Program as well as María José Montiel, Director of Open Government Department Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection, Mexico (IFAI).

Go HERE to register for the webinar and see the announcement flyer below for more details on the webinar.

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