WORLD | Webinar on health monitoring in places of detention

In these times of a global pandemic, the importance of monitoring health in places of detention has become even more obvious. DIGNITY is therefore pleased to invite you to a webinar on monitoring health in places of detention, during which our new manual on health monitoring will be launched.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 13 January 2021 during 13.00 - 14.30 Central European Time (CET) and will bring together experts on health monitoring from across the world. Please find the invitation further down below, which you are welcome to share with relevant colleagues in your network.

The target audience consists of all those with an interest in preventive monitoring of health in places of detention, including but not limited to national preventive mechanisms (NPMs), civil society monitoring bodies, and health professionals.

Note that attendance is dependent on individual sign-up via this EMAIL ADDRESS. Once you have registered, you will receive a link to the webinar closer to the event. The deadline for sign-up is 7 January 2021.


Source: Danish Institute against Torture, DIGNITY

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