AUSTRALIA | Western Australian Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2013/2014

This report describes the functions and operations of the Ombudsman Western Australia for the year ending 30 June 2014.

In 2013-14, the Office received 11,145 contacts from members of the public consisting of 9,263 enquiries from people seeking advice about an issue or information on how to make a complaint; and 1,882 written complaints from people seeking assistance to resolve their concerns about the decision making and administrative practices of a range of public authorities.

Of the 1,882 complaints received, 1,356 were about public authorities that are within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. The remaining 526 complaints were about bodies outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. In these cases, Ombudsman staff provided assistance to enable the people making the complaint to take the complaint to a more appropriate body.

For the fifth consecutive year, public authorities have accepted every recommendation made by the Ombudsman, matching the 2012-13 actual result and meeting the 2013-14 Target.

In 2007-08, the Office commenced a program to ensure that its work increasingly contributed to improvements to public administration. Consistent with this program, the number of improvements to practices and procedures of public authorities as a result of Ombudsman action has, in 2013-14, more than tripled since 2009-10. There may, however, be fluctuations from year to year, related to the number and nature of complaints and reviews finalised by the Office in any given year.

The full Annual Report is available HERE.

Source: The Ombudsman Western Australia, AUSTRALIA

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