20. April 2022
Durante el encuentro realizado en San Gregorio, el defensor a cargo tomó el compromiso de trabajar en busca de construir espacios de diálogo para acercar posiciones y plantear el tema en el Comité de Defensores del Pueblo Región Centro.
19. April 2022
On 15 April 2022, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva, the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, deputies, relevant state authorities, human rights defenders, and mass media outlets attended an inauguration ceremony of a new penitentiary institution for female prisoners and juveniles by the Ministry of Justice in Baku.
19. April 2022
Former National ombudsman Alex Brenninkmeijer has passed away on 14 April at the age of 70. Alex Brenninkmeijer was a highly valued member of the IOI Board of Directors.
19. April 2022
The Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo published the Annual Report 2021. This annual report describes the general situation of human rights in Kosovo and the activities of our institution in protecting and promoting human rights for the period from 1 January - 31 December 2021.
19. April 2022
Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, Mary McFadyen’s 2021 annual reports were tabled in the Saskatchewan Legislature today – the last ones before she retires on May 6, 2022. McFadyen said long-term care was an important theme this year, as it was throughout her time as Ombudsman.
14. April 2022
French Language Services Commissioner Kelly Burke releases her investigation report into Laurentien University's cuts to French-language programming, on March 31, 2022.
14. April 2022
La Commissaire aux services en français, Kelly Burke, présente son rapport d'enquête sur les coupes dans les programmes de langue française par l'Université Laurentienne, le 31 mars 2022.
14. April 2022
The Public Defender of Rights of the Slovak Republic, Prof. JUDr. Mária Patakyová, PhD., recently presented an activity report about her 2017-2022 tenure.