13. Oktober 2022
The Office of the Ombudsman of Latvia published a news summary for September 2022. This month’s discussed topics include the Civic Engagement Month, the Call for Support for all households regardless of the type of heating used, the Submission for the 8th "Annual Award for Supporting People with Disabilities" and many more.
13. Oktober 2022
El Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, viaja este jueves a la isla de La Palma para supervisar el estado de ejecución de las medidas adoptadas y la labor de las administraciones, tras la erupción del volcán Cumbre Vieja el pasado 19 de septiembre.
13. Oktober 2022
En el Día Internacional de la Niña, la Defensoría del Pueblo remarcó que el Estado en todos sus niveles, especialmente las nuevas autoridades elegidas, deben promover medidas para proteger a las niñas y adolescentes, especialmente, sus derechos a la igualdad, participación política y a una vida libre de violencia.
13. Oktober 2022
On October 21-22 in Manchester, the UK National Ombudsman will be submitting itself to an IOI-led Ombudsman peer review. The UK National Ombudsman undertook its first peer review in 2018.  Since then, the Ombudsman has led the international effort to establish peer review as a critical tool to assess effectiveness more broadly, including against the Venice Principles. As a result, there are now IOI best practice papers and guidance on the subject. 
13. Oktober 2022
A retired Government Employee approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Ajaz Ali Khan, with the complaint that the Chief Municipal Officer, Municipal Committee, Khairpur was not paying pension and other service dues and delaying the matter on one pretext or the other.
12. Oktober 2022
The Solomon Islands Ombudsman and his executive successfully completed a two days’ Good Decision-Making Training Workshop with the Senior Management Team of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI). The workshop was based on the theme: “Cutting the Cost of Bad Decision Making in Public Offices” and was held at the St Barnabas Leaf Haus in Honiara, from 3rd to 4th of October, 2022.
11. Oktober 2022
The British Columbia (BC) Ombudsperson announced it is seeking public input that will provide key information for an investigation into how government programs supported people who were displaced from their homes and communities as a result of extreme weather in 2021. 
10. Oktober 2022
The office of the Public Defender of Georgia reports about the most important activities carried out in September 2022. You can find more details here.