13. April 2022
In his 5th newsletter edition, the Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Dr. Ákos Kozma, amongst others, visited the Lónya Help Point and the border crossing point located between Lónya and Dzvinkove and he and his staff members handed over the donations collected for the Lónya Help Point to the volunteers of the Hungarian Red Cross.
13. April 2022
In its 6th newsletter edition, the Office of the Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights reports, amongst others, about the opening of a new information point at the BOK Sports Hall (Budapest Olympic Centre) and about a meeting of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Dr. Ákos Kozma, with Chief Ombudsman of Turkey, Mr. Şeref Malkoç, and Ombudsman for the Rights of Women and Children, Ms. Celile Özlem Tunçak.
13. April 2022
On 12 April 2022, IOI Secretary General Werner Amon met H.E. Volker Türk, Under-Secretary-General for Policy in the Office of the United Nations Secretary General at the UN Headquarters in New York. Mr. Amon and Mr. Türk discussed the UN Secretary-General’s “Common Agenda” and perspectives for the IOI to contribute to an inclusive and networked multilateralism for sustainable development, as the only global network representing Ombudsman offices in all world regions.
12. April 2022
Angolan Ombudsman, Hon. Antónia Florbela de Jesus Rocha Araújo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ombudsman of the Republic of Zambia, Hon. Caroline C.Z. Sokoni, with the aim of sharing best practices within the scope of the Ombudsman's activities and safeguarding the fundamental rights of citizens of both parties.
12. April 2022
Le mandat de Madame Marie Rinfret touchant à sa fin, l’Assemblée nationale du Québec a élu M. Marc-André Dowd comme Protecteur du citoyen. Il est entré en fonction le 27 mars 2022 et M. Marc-André Dowd assure conséquemment la présidence de l’AOMF.
11. April 2022
The Dutch National Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen, also acting on behalf of the Ombudsman for Children Margrite Kalverboer, on 7 April 2022 presented the report 'Caribbean children pay the price' to Alida Francis, government commissioner of St. Eustatius. The State Secretary responsible, Alexandra Van Huffelen (Kingdom Relations and Digitisation) also received a copy.

11. April 2022
Les hacemos llegar el 14. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).


8. April 2022
Ülle Madise, who was appointed for a second term as Estonian Chancellor of Justice, gave the oath of office in the Riigikogu on 4 April. Parliament approved Madise’s second term on 15 December last year. In a secret ballot, her continuation in the role was supported by 63 MPs, with 18 against and one abstention.