3. Juli 2019
On 1 July 2019 Werner Amon took office as new Austrian Ombudsman and was appointed Secretary General of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).
3. Juli 2019
La Cámara Federal de Casación Penal de Argentina prohíbe el ingreso de nuevos detenidos al CPF II  y ordena medidas para reducir la sobrepoblación del establecimiento.
2. Juli 2019
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos expresa su profunda preocupación por las descalificaciones y demás manifestaciones hechas por el Presidente de la República respecto al contenido de la Recomendación 29/2019, relativa a las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las personas usuarias y beneficiarias del “Programa para Estancias Infantiles para Apoyar a Madres Trabajadoras”.
2. Juli 2019
The year 2018 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of fundamental rights protection. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) has published its Fundamental Rights Report 2019 and FRA´s opinion on the main developments in the thematic areas covered. The report reviews major developments in the field, identifying both achievements and remaining areas of concern.
2. Juli 2019
On 2 July 2019, the Public Defender of Georgia's Office started to study the criminal case (#074220619801) of alleged abuse of power by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on 20-21 June 2019 (investigation of the June 20-21 developments).
2. Juli 2019
Following an Own-Initiative Report of the Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights regarding the accessibility of Persons with Disabilities to the Beaches, all the recommendations of the Report were implemented. In particular, the relevant legislation was amended, access ramps/passageways were built at beaches that did not have and/or the existing ones have been improved, while Seatrac and floating wheelchairs have been placed on other beaches that were not accessible from Persons with Disabilities.
2. Juli 2019
Des commissaires linguistiques, ombudsmans et experts des droits linguistiques des quatre coins du monde se sont réunis au centre-ville de Toronto cette semaine dans le cadre de la sixième conférence de l’Association internationale des commissaires linguistiques (AICL). Cette conférence a coïncidé avec le 50e anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles du Canada et la déclaration des Nations Unies consacrant 2019 comme étant l’Année internationale des langues autochtones.


2. Juli 2019
La Procuración Penitenciaria y Asociación Pensamiento Penal presentaron, ante la Dirección General de Responsabilidad Penal Juvenil dependiente del Consejo de los Derechos de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes un documento elaborado con diversos actores especializados en materia de infancia.