7. August 2019
The Chairperson of the Commission and the Secretary General of the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA), Hon. Florence Kajuju has urged other Ombudsmen to deepen their commitment and support the decentralisation of the operations of AOMA which is the goal and philosophy behind the Association’s regional meetings.
6. August 2019
This year marks the second annual celebration of a highly impactful profession that has been around for centuries, but still remains unknown. On 10 October 2019, the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Dispute Resolution Section Ombuds Committee invites you to the celebration of the ombudsman profession. Ombuds Day is inclusive of all types of ombuds and will occur on the second Thursday of October each year.
6. August 2019
A pesar de que en nuestra legislación vigente la ejecución de la pena implicaría solo la restricción de la libertad ambulatoria, las personas condenadas actualmente siguen sin gozar del acceso a otros derechos fundamentales, como lo es el derecho al voto. La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) sostiene que los derechos políticos son derechos humanos de importancia fundamental, por lo cual la pena privativa de la libertad no debiera privar el goce de éstos por parte de las personas condenadas.
6. August 2019
In 2017, the Greek State enacted a mechanism for the external, independent monitoring of the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and assigned this responsibility, which it proclaimed a “promotional framework”, to the constitutionally-established Independent Authority of the Greek Ombudsman.
6. August 2019
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19, which is available on the organisation’s website.
5. August 2019
L’Association des Médiateurs des Pays Membres de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (AMP-UEMOA) tenait du 29 juillet au 31 juillet 2019 une conférence internationale à Niamey portant sur le thème « Migration et Médiation Institutionnelle : Quel rôle pour le Médiateur de l’espace UEMOA ? ». C’est le 1er Ministre Chef du Gouvernement, SEM Brigi Rafini qui a présidé la cérémonie d’ouverture.
5. August 2019
Victoria – British Columbians complained about the two government departments that provide services to some of BC’s most marginalized citizens more often than any other public body last year, according to the BC Ombudsperson’s 40th Annual Report released today.
5. August 2019
En agosto de 2017 se destapó en Europa el caso de huevos contaminados por un insecticida de uso ilegal, el Fipronil. En Taiwán se detectaron también huevos contaminados en inspecciónes realizadas por el Consejo de Agricultura del Yuan Ejecutivo (YE). 45 granjas avícolas presentaban altos niveles de Fipronil, amenazando la seguridad alimentaria y causando pánico entre los consumidores.