16. Jänner 2019
A retired government employee approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik with the complaint that Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur did not pay her outstanding pension and commutation dues and was delaying the matter on one pretext or the other. Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate enquiry in the matter.


15. Jänner 2019
The Portuguese Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, wrote once more to the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security informing about the worrying situation experienced by many citizens who are facing significant delays in their pension payments and demands measures to combat these persistent delays.
15. Jänner 2019
The representatives of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Institute (NHRI) participated at the EU-CoE jointly organized international conference on “Non-Discrimination as one of the main values in modern societies” held on 17-18 December 2018, in Moldova, Chisinau.
15. Jänner 2019
La majorité des citoyens paie ses impôts dans les temps, mais le Médiateur fédéral reçoit, chaque année, environ 200 plaintes de personnes qui veulent payer, mais n’y parviennent pas. Il a enquêté sur la manière dont le SPF Finances récupère l’impôt auprès des personnes en difficulté de paiement. Le rapport d’enquête a été remis au SPF Finances, au ministre des Finances et au Parlement, il contient 20 recommandations regroupées en trois thèmes.
15. Jänner 2019
The Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan published an ad hoc report on “The Rights of Detained and Convicted Persons Transferred to the Disciplinary Cell on Inviolability of Private and Family Life, Freedom of Communications”.


15. Jänner 2019
Irish Ombudsman and IOI President, Peter Tyndall, has welcomed the Irish government’s decision to establish a scheme to repay clients who lost money following the closure of an adoption agency in 2015. The scheme is being set up following extensive discussions between the Irish Ombudsman, the Adoption Authority of Ireland, and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
15. Jänner 2019
Manitoba Ombudsman has released its investigation report on the City of Winnipeg’s Handi-Transit service, now called Transit Plus. The service provides transportation for approximately 7,500 clients who are unable to use the fixed-route transit system because they are legally blind or have a physical disability that significantly impairs their mobility.
15. Jänner 2019
Dentro de la población presa, las personas extranjeras representan un colectivo de alta vulnerabilidad. La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación menciona que las cuestiones idiomáticas, alimenticias, condiciones climáticas adversas y el aislamiento social, cultural y familiar sobredimensionan los padecimientos del encarcelamiento.