30. Oktober 2018
Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has released his Annual Report for 2017/18. The Report shows increased clearance rates for complaints, and also a significant lift in his Office’s public profile through the release of the publication of our investigations, more guidance material, and our extensive training and assistance for government agencies.
30. Oktober 2018
Au terme de l´enquête spéciale, le Protecteur du citoyen cible différents correctifs, concrets et réalistes, pour que le peuple inuit reçoive les services éducatifs auxquels il a droit. Les améliorations passent selon lui par une action concertée entre le Ministère et la Commission scolaire Kativik.
30. Oktober 2018
Adam Bodnar, Commissioner for Human Rights and his Office are this year's laureates of the Norwegian Rafto Prize awarded since 1987 to human rights defenders across the world. The Rafto Prize awarded in 2018 draws attention to the issue of threats to democracy and human rights in Poland.
29. Oktober 2018
Climate change has a comprehensive impact on our lives. How to adjust social and economic development models to enable people to adapt to the impacts of climate change has become a major focus. In response to the climate change issue, the Control Yuan urges Council of Agriculture to improve its regulatory mechanism.
25. Oktober 2018
The European Network for National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) held its General Assembly Meeting and Annual Conference in Athens from the 24th to the 25th of October 2018. During these two days, representatives of NHRIs and Ombudsman Institutions attended this conference on “Ombudsman Institutions and other institutions under threat”.
25. Oktober 2018
The IOI's Best Practice Papers series aims to provide guidance material to IOI members, Ombudsman colleagues and interested third parties. Best Practice Paper - Issue 3 on "Own initiative investigations" is now available online. 
23. Oktober 2018
Depuis le mardi 9 octobre 2018, le Sénat étudie le projet de loi de programmation 2018-2022 et de réforme pour la justice. Lors des travaux en commission des lois, les sénateurs ont auditionné Jacques Toubon, Défenseur des droits, dont les observations figurent dans l’avis n°18-22 adressé aux parlementaires.
23. Oktober 2018
Le Président de l’Association « Eau et Electricité pour tous », Andoche Amègnissè a été reçu en audience par le Médiateur de la République, Joseph Gnonlonfoun. Au centre des échanges, il y a les problèmes liés à l’accès à l’eau et à l’électricité en quantité et en qualité.