23. Oktober 2018
The Board of the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission (JIACC) referred to the Public Prosecution the investigation file related to the services of Al-Bashir Hospital, where investigations showed a number of suspicions of corruption and financial, administrative and legal violations involving public money.
23. Oktober 2018
Fulfilling its constitution mission to guarantee and safeguard human rights the Human Rights Defender contributes to the effective functioning of the country's entire system on human rights protection. Recent developments in the country are under due consideration of the Defender and his observations and position are now available in an official statement.
23. Oktober 2018
The 10th Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) Conference and training will be held in Bermuda from 28 – 31 May 2019. Please save the dates! The proposed theme of the conference is “Strengthening the role and performance of Ombudsman and Human Rights Institutions in the Caribbean”. The conference will be followed by a two-days training session.
22. Oktober 2018
El Defensor del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Alejandro Amor y el presidente del Centro de Desarrollo Económico y Social Urbano, Itai Hagman, firmaron esta tarde un convenio de colaboración con el objetivo de realizar una medición de la desigualdad urbana desde una perspectiva multidimensional.
22. Oktober 2018
En el año 2015 el Síndic emitió una resolución en que recomendaba una revisión y una reforma de la legislación para que todas las personas con discapacidad tuvieran el derecho a votar y a participar en la vida pública
22. Oktober 2018
En 18 de octubre de 2018 el Procurador Penitenciario Dr. Francisco Mugnolo presentó el seminario “Drogas: de la prohibición a la regulación. Resistencias y desafíos” en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. La actividad se realizó en el marco del Proyecto de Visibilización del Impacto de las Políticas de Drogas impulsado por la Procuración Penitenciaria.
22. Oktober 2018
The Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT), Mr Ali Noroozi, welcomes the public release of his report into the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) Fraud Control Management. The Parliament’s Senate Economics References Committee requested that the IGT examines the ATO’s fraud control management due to concerns surrounding allegations of tax fraud that may be linked to abuse of position by a public official.
22. Oktober 2018
The Ombudsman for the Ministry of Interior Bahrain has released his fifth Annual Report for the period 2017/2018. The Office was established as part of the Bahraini government’s response to the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI).