11. Dezember 2017
Le Médiateur de la République a tenu du vendredi 17 novembre au 1er décembre 2017 sa session annuelle, édition 2017. Deux cent onze dossiers concernant vingt-cinq structures dont quinze ministères, cinq communes, trois préfectures et deux établissements publics étaient à l’ordre du jour.
11. Dezember 2017
On 6 December 2017, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published its “Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II): main results” report. Nearly a decade since FRA carried out a similar survey, the findings underline the need for specific and stronger measures to provide legal protection against discrimination coupled with effective sanctions.
11. Dezember 2017
IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter congratulated Polish Ombudsman Adam Bodnar in Warsaw for the 30th anniversary of his institution. He furthermore stressed the importance of independence of Ombudsman institutions. IOI Europe president Rafael Ribo also expressed his concern about the human rights situation in Poland and other European countries.
6. Dezember 2017
The Asian Region of the IOI held an electronic ballot to fill the vacant position of one Asian Director on the IOI Board of Directors. Ms Un-Jong Pak, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission in Korea, received the highest number of votes and was therefore declared elected as new Asian Director.
6. Dezember 2017
IOI Secretary General and Austrian Ombudsman Günther Kräuter attended the OSCE Parallel Civil Society Conference 2017 in Vienna on 5 December, in order to discuss the results of the OSCE self-evaluation process.
5. Dezember 2017
British Columbia’s Ombudsperson Jay Chalke released his 2016-2017 Annual Report on 7 November 2017. The Report details a year’s work upholding administrative fairness across B.C.’s more than 2,800 provincial and local public authorities.
5. Dezember 2017
On behalf of IOI community, IOI President Peter Tyndall and IOI Secretary General Kräuter issued a statement of solidarity with the Office of the Public Defender of Georgia.
5. Dezember 2017
On 5 December 2017, the Public Defender of Georgia presented a report on the situation of human rights and freedoms in 2017 to representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations and civil society.