15. November 2017
The eighth training session of the Association of the Mediterranean Ombudsmen, jointly organized by the AOM and the Ombudsman Institution in the Kingdom of Morocco, was successfully held on October 18 and 19, 2017 at the Training and Exchange in mediation Center in Casablanca. Dispensed to the collaborators of the Association’s member mediators, this session was an opportunity to discuss the theme of « the deontology of security forces and the rights of migrants during their migratory journey: the role of Ombudsmen institutions ».
14. November 2017
The IOI capacity-building workshop on “Human Rights in the Digital Age” will be held in Tallinn (Estonia) from 23 – 24 January 2018. The workshop will explore contemporary challenges in digital society and the Ombudsman’s role in protecting human rights in this digital age. Registration is still open until 1 December 2017!
14. November 2017
Se publica una nueva infografía con los resultados emergentes del procesamiento de la Base de datos de casos de Tortura y Malos Tratos Investigados por la PPN, actualizados al primer semestre de 2017. Durante el primer semestre de 2017 se registraron 323 casos de tortura y malos tratos.


14. November 2017
Raúl Lamberto, defensor del Pueblo, rubricó un acuerdo con Matías Ezequiel Figueroa, subsecretario de Asuntos Registrales, por el cual el ministerio extiende la cesión de un espacio físico en la Casa del Adolescente, ubicada en Arijón 651, donde funciona una oficina de la Defensoría.
14. November 2017
The Ombudsman announces DI report on “FEHD’s System of Safety Control for Imported Fruits and Vegetables”& Investigation Report “Complaint about the Handling of an Application for Housing Transfer by SWD and HD”.
13. November 2017
Within the framework of a month long campaign on children’s rights several events were held over the last months. The most recent one was held in secondary school No.74, where representatives from the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan were also present.
9. November 2017
C'est en présence des plus hautes autorités du pays, Messieurs le Président du Faso et le Premier ministre, des présidents d'Institutions et des membres du gouvernement que le nouveau Médiateur du Faso, Madame Saran SERE/SEREME a prêté serment devant le président du Conseil du Constitutionnel entouré de ses membres.
9. November 2017
L’Office de la Protection du Citoyen (OPC) informe que, par arrêté présidentiel publié en date du 27 octobre 2017, le citoyen Renan Hedouville est nommé Protecteur du citoyen et de la citoyenne en remplacement de Mme Florence Elie.