4. April 2017
From Monday 3 April the Ombudsman’s Office of Ireland will be accepting complaints from people living in Direct Provision, while complaints from children or on behalf of children, can be made to the Irish Ombudsman for Children’s Office. This is a change that has been long called for by both Offices and which will provide equal access to complaints procedures for people in Direct Provision.
3. April 2017
While the scope of the preventive efforts was expanded in 2016 to include visits to child welfare institutions and mental health care institutions for children and young people, in 2017 the focus is on children and young people deprived of their liberty will continue.
3. April 2017
The initial name of Commissioner for Public Relations has been changed to Ombudsman.  This is to put Tonga in line with other countries in calling the head of the Office "Ombudsman".  The Office no longer holds the name "Office of the Commissioner for Public Relations" but is known now as "the Office of the Ombudsman."
3. April 2017
Victoria must ensure people held in places of detention such as prisons and youth justice centres are treated in a humane and dignified fashion after the Australian Government ratifies an important United Nations treaty.
3. April 2017
El 15 de marzo se conmemora el Día Mundial de los Derechos del Consumidor y la Defensoría del Pueblo porteña relanza su guía práctica para que los vecinos y vecinas los conozcan y sepan qué hacer en determinadas situaciones y dónde asesorarse y/o reclamar en el caso de que sean vulnerados.
31. März 2017
El Defensor de la Ciudadanía de Girona, ha finalizado su mandato de 2 años como Presidente de los defensores locales de Cataluña. Y en la asamblea celebrada en Santa Coloma de Gramenet, el 28 de marzo de 2017, se ha nombrado al  Síndico de Cornellà, Joan Barrera, como nuevo presidente del FòrumSD, que agrupa 40 Defensorias municipales.
31. März 2017
The second international seminar organized by the Catalan Ombudsman to address the human rights challenges in Europe will be taking place from 3 – 4 April 2017 in Barcelona. The Conference will be streamed live on the Website of the Catalan Parliament.
30. März 2017
The summer school will equip members and staff of National Preventive Mechanisms with the knowledge to use and apply the revised Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules).