3. Mai 2017
In a recent report on “Human Rights regression in Spain” the Catalan Ombudsman analyzes the impacts on human and fundamental rights that with a specific focus on Catalonia.
3. Mai 2017
Issue 28 of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ Casebook (January – March 2017) has been published. The Casebook is a collection of summaries of cases dealt with in the previous quarter.
2. Mai 2017
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Act, the Ombudswoman Lora Vidović is organising a high level international conference „Reclaiming human rights in Europe: How to enhance the democratic space?“ on 11-12 May 2017 in Zagreb.
28. April 2017
From 26 – 28 April 2017 the IOI Board of Directors held its annual meeting at the premises of the IOI General Secretariat in Vienna (Austria). In total 19 out of 21 Directors attended this very productive meeting to identify and discuss projects and priorities for the upcoming membership year.
27. April 2017
Le Médiateur fédéral a présenté ce 21 avril son rapport annuel 2016 au Parlement. Pour Catherine De Bruecker et Guido Herman, la confiance et le dialogue sont le fil rouge d’une bonne relation entre citoyen et administration.
26. April 2017
Junto a representantes de UNICEF, Defensores provinciales, legisladores e integrantes de diversas ONGs, el Defensor del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y presidente de ADPRA participó del encuentro realizado en el Anexo de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación para avanzar en su nombramiento.
26. April 2017
On April 24, a conference on the experience gained in the implementation of the Directive on Environmental Liability on the level of the EU and in Hungary was held at the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in Budapest. It was the sixth time that the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights has held a joint conference on environmental issues.
25. April 2017
In the March information bulletin the Public Defender reviewed his annual report on the situation of human rights and freedoms submitted to the Parliament of Georgia. He briefly reviewed the topics of the report, recommendations and significant trends.