10. März 2017
On the occasion of the 30th GANHRI (Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions) Annual Meeting in Geneva, an annual conference on “Early warning, conflict prevention and re-establishment of peaceful societies: the role of NHRIs” was held with the participation of the new IOI Board Member, Luis Raúl González Pérez, President of the National Human Rights Commission of Mexico.
9. März 2017
At a press conference held on 9 March 2017, the Ombudsman of Hong Kong announced a new TV series named “The Ombudsman Special II” and reported on the results of two direct investigation reports.
8. März 2017
Cada 8 de marzo se quiere conmemorar internacionalmente el objetivo de la igualdad de mujeres y hombres. El Ararteko quiere manifestar que hoy, más que nunca, se hace obvio que el fortalecimiento de las políticas de igualdad, y de los valores igualitarios debe ser una prioridad absoluta para todos los poderes públicos.
8. März 2017
Este 8 de marzo la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación acompaña los reclamos del movimiento nacional e internacional feminista y pide por el respeto de los derechos laborales de las mujeres presas.
8. März 2017
Le Défenseur des droits acteur du combat pour le droit des femmes et la non-discrimination. Pour faire davantage progresser les droits des femmes, le Défenseur des droits, Jacques Toubon, agit pour la protection de leurs droits et déploie des actions de promotion de l'égalité.
6. März 2017
The Victorian Ombudsman has commenced an ‘own motion’ investigation into the financial support provided to kinship carers by the Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria.
6. März 2017
The IOI is conducting some preliminary research on the implementation and effectiveness of Ombudsman recommendations. A key focus of this project will be on Ombudsman recommendations and the IOI is interested in hearing about how you make recommendations to bring about change and examples of your work which have led to improvements for service users.
6. März 2017
During the 3rd European Migration Forum in Brussels on 3 March FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty outlines shortcomings of existing integration policies across the EU, to guide the EU and its Member States as they refocus their integration efforts.