Polish Human Rights Defender Prof. Irena Lipowicz visited Jordan in December 2011 and deepened the bilateral relations with the Jordan Ombudsman institution by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Polish Ombudswoman attended a conference on “The constitutional reforms in Jordan: A successful way for implementation, the Jordanian and EU perspective”. Prof. Lipowicz took the opportunity of this conference to meet with Abdelilah AL-Kurdi, President of the Jordanian Ombudsman Bureau.

Prof. Lipowicz congratulated Ombudsman AL-Kurdi on recently becoming a member of the IOI. The ongoing meeting was an opportunity to discuss current activities of the two ombudsman offices as well as their general tasks and capacities. Prof. Lipowicz and Ombudsman AL-Kurdi also identified potential areas of cooperation and signed an agreement on their further cooperation.

An official memo from Human Rights Defender Lipowicz gives more details on this visit to Jordan.

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