EU | EQUINET perspective on equality bodies and NHRIs

The European network of equality bodies (EQUINET) published a new perspective on Equality Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions. It aims to tighten the links developed between equality bodies and national human rights institutions.

Equinet is the European network of equality bodies. It has a membership of thirty three equality bodies. Equinet works to enable these equality bodies to achieve their full potential by developing staff skills within equality bodies, by supporting the strategic capacity of equality bodies and by identifying and communicating the learning from the work of the equality bodies to policy makers.

Each year Equinet publishes a number of perspectives to inform policy development at European and national level. These perspectives draw from the work and experience of the equality bodies. This perspective is focused on the relationship between equality work and work on human rights and between the bodies with responsibilities in each of these areas.

This perspective is based on a survey of the experience of equality bodies, members of Equinet, of making links between their organisations and national human rights institutions. It seeks to establish a framework within which to analyse and understand this experience. It aims to establish principles and proposals to ensure that the links developed between equality bodies and national human rights institutions contributes to maximising the impact of these bodies.


Find more information as well as the current perspective on the institution's website respective as download below.

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