WORLD | Independent Expert on protection against violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity presents work program

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, without distinction of any kind. Yet in all regions of the world, there are acts of violence and discrimination committed against individuals because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

To address this concern, the UN Human Rights Council created the mandate of Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (also referred to as the Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity, or the "IE SOGI").

The IE SOGI presents the mandate’s work programme for the period 2021–2023. This work programme is the result of an extensive consultation process, and it incorporates the feedback received by a vast array of State and non-State actors, including through last year’s interactive dialogue at the UN Human Rights Council and the General Assembly, the consultative process on the impact of COVID-19 on LGBT populations and communities, a global consultation convened by the mandate on 20 November 2020, as well as dozens of bilateral and group meetings and exchanges throughout the year.

The Independent Expert feels deeply indebted to all States and stakeholders that dedicated time and resources in their engagement with the mandate to shape this work programme. You can find the Independent Expert’s work programme further down below and it is also available for download at this LINK.

For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Independent Expert through the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Source: National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section (NIRMS), OHCHR

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