Ukraine | International working group on introduction of declaration on NHRIs role in conflict and post-conflict situations

In October 2015, representatives of national institutions of 20 countries of the world unanimously adopted the Kyiv Declaration on the "Role of NHRIs in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations" following results of work of a two-day international conference of the same name.

For the purpose of practical introduction of the Kyiv Declaration the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska suggested to create an international working group which will consist of representatives of national institutions for human rights, international organizations, experts and to be engaged in promotion of the general principles stated in the mentioned document.

"Adoption of the Kiev Declaration is a practical result of our work. However we need to make it really effective and efficient that it didn't remain the declarative document. For this purpose I suggest to create the expert international working group to define the general standards how to national institutions for human rights could work in conflict or post-conflict situations. For this purpose we have to create further the Strategy which purpose will be an implementation of provisions of the Kyiv Declaration" Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska noted.

The program specialist for the rule of law and human rights of UNDP Ms. Isabel Chan congratulating participants with adoption of the Kyiv Declaration, expressed hope that further work at the document will be effective, and national institutions for human rights will be able to unite and show all the potential, after all the volume and specifics of work of ombudsman is beyond borders of one country.

"Ombudsmen can play an important role in elimination of the conflicts by carrying out monitoring of the first signs of a conflict situation, and also implementation of preventive measures. Their work can sometimes be hard, they can face political pressure, however anyway national institutions for human rights have to be independent, and the safe environment is necessary for this purpose ", – Ms. Isabel Chan summarized.


Source: Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Ukraine


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