AUSTRALIA | Western Australia Ombudsman hosts delegation from Ombudsman Republic Indonesia

The Office of the Western Australian Ombudsman has been involved with the Indonesian/Australian Ombudsman Linkages and Strengthening Program (the Program) since 2005 in collaboration with the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the New South Wales Ombudsman.

As part of the Program, on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 September, the Office hosted a senior delegation from the office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI). During their visit, the delegates met with the Ombudsman, Deputy Ombudsman, Assistant Ombudsman Complaint Resolution and the heads of divisions. They also attended meetings with the:

  • Public Sector Commission;
  • Corruption and Crime Commission;
  • Office of the Information Commissioner;
  • Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services; and
  • Health and Disability Services Complaints Office.

The Office also supports the Program by hosting interns from the ORI Office. Following the successful internship program in December 2014, the Office once again hosted two staff from ORI for a one-week internship in December 2015. The interns met with senior Ombudsman staff and received training in the Office’s complaint handling processes.

Source: Office of the Western Australian Ombudsman, Australia


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