Morten Kjærum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a new report on the EU equality directive today. Ten years ago, many EU member states had no legislative or institutional framework on racial discrimination. The current publication shows the significant progress in this area over the last decade, although some problems have remained.
The report identifies several challenges to promoting equality as both ways of enforcing the directive, courts as well as cheaper and quicker alternatives, show disadvantages. The FRA also points out hints to improve the situation and, as the directive allows the member states to take measures to promote equality, presents positive examples within the EU.
More information as well as factsheets in additional languages can be found on the FRA-Website
The Racial Equality Directive: application and challenges (190,2 KiB)
La directive sur l’égalité raciale: application et défis (196,9 KiB)
Die Richtlinie zur Gleichbehandlung ohne Unterschied der Rasse: Anwendungen und Herausforderungen (206,0 KiB)
Factsheet - La lucha contra la discriminación racial (622,7 KiB)