NEW ZEALAND | Ombudsman’s Quarterly Review

2022 marks a big year for the New Zealand Ombudsman. The office is celebrating 60 years since its establishment.

Sir Guy Powles was sworn in as New Zealand’s first Ombudsman in October 1962, making New Zealand the first country outside of Scandinavia to have an Ombudsman.

Peter Boshier, Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, emphasized that he is very proud to be leading the office, just as he is grateful for the leadership and vision that has been created by the Ombudsmen serving before him.

This year, the office is also celebrating 40 years of the Official information Act and 35 year of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. In this regard, the New Zealand Ombudsman is planning a number of exciting events to celebrate these successes.

The office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand is constantly evolving, just as it tries to increase its diversity and to reach communities who need the Ombudsman's services the most. The office is working hard on improving its knowledge, using tikanga and Te Reo, doing more on disability rights and connecting more with the other communities in New Zealand.

„Transparency International“ has recently published the 2020 Corruption Perception Index and once again, New Zealand tops the index along with Denmark and Finland. New Zealand has retained a steady ranking in the index for close to two decades.

Peter Boshier insures, that especially during these challenging times, the office will continue to provide critical oversight by investigating, monitoring and reporting on its activities and providing advice and guidance on good decision-making processes and practices.

The full newsletter can be read here.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, New Zealand

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