AZERBAIJAN | Ombudsman’s staff members participated in the round table on the elimination of domestic violence against women

Ombudsman’s staff members participated in a round table where the final report on a survey studying the features and causes of Domestic Violence (DV) against women in Azerbaijan was presented to the corresponding authorities and the public. The representatives of the Ministry of Health, Public Health and Reforms Center of Azerbaijan, the Office of the Ombudsman and the State Committee for Family, Women and Child Issues participated at this event.

The event focused the significance of the abovementioned survey, the results of which will assist in the investigation the features and causes of domestic violence. It will furthermore foster the empowerment of women in the families and evaluate the opportunities of their access to medical services and raise women’s general awareness on the issue of domestic violence.

At the event, the Ms. Jafarova from the Office of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan underlined that the participation of women in the decision making processes depended on the education level and she stated it was necessary to raise awareness among girls who married at a very early age as well as their parents, because in cases of DV, children are the most negatively impacted members of the families.

In addition, the Office of the Ombudsman presented proposals and suggestions on how to deal with DV and gender issues, such as preparing rehabilitation programs for women subjected to DV, strengthening the fight for violence against women affected by DV, or including the gender issues in textbooks, educational tools and other means used by academic staff and teachers.

It was added that the Office of the Ombudsman organizes interactive seminars, trainings and awareness events on gender equality, DV and early marriages in urban and rural areas of the country.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Azerbaijan

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