CANADA | Ombudsman to investigate child welfare practice of placing children and youth in hotels, motels, offices and trailers

On September 5, 2024, Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé announced an investigation into the practice of child welfare agencies placing young children and teens in hotels, motels, offices and trailers.

The Ombudsman launched the investigation on his own initiative in light of several reports about children being inappropriately housed in these settings. Ombudsman staff have already visited some of these children and youth to see their living conditions and hear their concerns directly.

“We are aware of numerous incidents across the province of children being placed in these unlicensed settings, many of which have raised some serious concerns about their safety, privacy and comfort,” the Ombudsman said.

Some children’s aid societies have indicated that they place children in these types of unlicensed settings – including spaces in their own offices – as a last resort, due to a lack of appropriate housing options, particularly for young people with special needs and/or challenging behaviours.

In addition to the use of this practice by children’s aid societies, the investigation will look at how the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services has responded to the practice. “It is our intent to determine why this is happening and, if applicable, make recommendations to ensure the rights of these vulnerable young people are respected,” said Ombudsman Dubé.

The investigation will be conducted by the Ombudsman’s Children and Youth Unit with support from the Special Ombudsman Response Team.


Source: Ontario Ombudsman, Canada

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