I.O.I. | Re-election of Executive Committee

According to the I.O.I. By-laws, the officers of the I.O.I., i.e. the President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer, need to be elected on a yearly basis during the annual meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors.

It was during the Livingstone meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors, held from 30 October to 2 November 2011, that Beverley Wakem, Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, was re-elected President of the I.O.I.; Tom Frawley, Ombudsman of Northern Ireland, was re-elected as I.O.I. Vice-President and Hong Kong Ombudsman Alan N. Lai was re-elected as the I.O.I.’s Treasurer. 

I.O.I. President Beverley Wakem CBE has been a Board Member of the Australasian and Pacific Region since 2008. Her background in broadcasting, public relations and consulting culminated in her appointment as Chief Executive of Radio New Zealand. She also held the position of President of the Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union for five years and was twice appointed by the Government to the Higher Salaries Commission.

I.O.I. Vice-President Dr. Tom Frawley CBE has been a member of the Board since 2004. He pursued a successful career in the Northern Ireland health service before being appointed ombudsman. In 2003, he was invited by the power-sharing government to chair the Panel of Experts appointed to support the Review of Public Administration in Northern Ireland.

I.O.I. Treasurer Alan N. Lai was appointed Hong Kong Ombudsman in April 2009. He can look back on more than 30 years of experience in public administration and was heavily involved in international trade negotiation work in the 1980s and 1990s. Mr Lai served as Commissioner of the Independent Com­mission against Corruption from 1999 to 2002 and was the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury from 2002 to 2007.

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