IOI BY-LAWS REFORM | Reminder of deadline for final comments

In the course of the IOI reform process, a first draft of revised IOI By-laws has been sent to all members in February 2012 thus opening a phase of regional consultation which was characterized by the active involvement of IOI members from all regions.

At a mid-term meeting in Hong Kong, the IOI Board of Directors carefully considered the suggested amendments put forward and achieved a revised draft document. The English version of this document was sent to all members in August, to see if any remaining issues have not been addressed satisfactorily and to invite members to provide their final and concise comments.

As translations into Spanish and French followed later on, the deadline for final comments was extended to Tuesday, 25 September 2012. A final draft document will be distributed prior to the 10th IOI World Conference in Wellington, where institutional members in good standing will be requested to vote on these revised draft by-laws. The IOI General Secretariat would therefore like to remind you to send final comments as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday, 25 September 2012.


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