The inquiry carried out by Máté Szabó, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights has led to the conclusion that the circumstances of accommodation and care of psychiatric patients in the Forensic Psychiatric Mental Institution (Igazságügyi MegfigyelÅ‘ és Elmegyógyító Intézet) constitute a violation of their rights to human dignity and to health.
Mental balance is a condition of health. The neglect of mental problems may have serious consequences. Recent tragedies draw attention to the fact that adequate treatment provided on due time to persons suffering psychiatric illness is in the interest of the whole society. On the basis of this principle, the commissioner for fundamental rights and his staff carried out a repeated on site inquiry in the Forensic Psychiatric Mental Institution and in his report, which was completed on world mental health day, he reiterated that the old and bare buildings are not suitable for hospital operations. The FPMI has been functioning within the territory of the Budapest Penitentiary Institute and Prison. At present this is the only institute in the country where forced medical treatment ordered by a court can be carried out. Detainees or persons in preliminary detention with psychiatric or neurological problems are transferred from penitentiary institutions to be treated here.
Removal of the institution and the establishment of a unified penitentiary healthcare institution is a long standing issue, however until now there has been no substantive progress, aside from having found a new location. There are few nurses and doctors in the FPMI, replacement of medical specialists is a problem. It raises serious concerns that patients with serious psychiatric clinical picture, some of them transferred to the institution for taking several persons’lives, are “treated” in wards crowded with 10-19 beds. He found, however, some good practices: the institution pays particular attention to patients’ rehabilitation, it gathers detailed information on their illness and provides adequate information to patients on their medication and treatment. Familiars are also advised by medical experts.
In the light of these experiences, Máté Szabó requested the Minister of National Development and the Minister of Human Resources to comply with the requirements of the Government until 31st December 2012 in order to eliminate existing problems in service provision: to determine whether the establishment of a unified healthcare institution within the penitentiary system should be financed from the sale of the previous sanatorium of the Ministry of Interior on Budakeszi út, and if not, to advise on other financial resources. The commissioner for fundamental rights asked the Minister of Interior to revise and modify the staff establishment table of the FPMI in order to remove hiring limitations and to increase the number of personnel.
Source: Commissioner for Fundamental Rights