On 14 March 2018, a session of the Expert Council on Military Personnel Rights adjunct to the Human Rights Defender (HDR) was held. HRD staff members and NGOs field academia experts participated in the meeting, which was chaired by Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan.
Issues on proper examination of conscripts’ health condition, protection of pre-conscripts’ rights during military registration and call-up procedure, as well as military personnel’s rights during disciplinary proceedings were discussed.
The main findings and recommendations of the Council and NGOs representatives included the following:
- The procedures of providing a call-up notice and military registration documents to persons liable for military service and servicepersons is not regulated by the military legislation of the Republic of Armenia. It’s recommended that applicable provisions on the procedures be drafted in a consolidated and consistent manner (possibly in a single legal act).
- Medical examinations of conscripts should be formed on the fundamental rights at all stages of recruitment process. It’s recommended to provide proper medical examinations of persons liable for military service and ensure real possibility of exercising their right to appeal.
- The transparency of medical and military medical commission’s activities has a negative impact on its effectiveness. The Ministry of Defense should ensure effective and transparent functioning of medical and military medical commissions. It’s recommended to enhance civilian oversight over the process of military registration and call-up.
- Military personnel should be informed about their rights and obligations during disciplinary proceedings, the real possibility of exercising the right to appeal of disciplinary penalty should be ensured. The Ministry of Defense should intensify the awareness-raising activities related to the rights and freedoms of conscripts and military personnel during military registration, call-up and military service.
It was also highlighted, that the protection of military personnel rights should be under special attention of the Ministry of Defense and Civil Society.
All legislative and practical proposals on the issues discussed during the session will be examined by the Human Rights Defender’s Office in order to initiate possible solutions.
Source: Office of the Human Rights Defender, Armenia