Study Programme “When citizens complain | The role of the Ombudsman in improving public services”

Public Administration International offers in May 2011 a two-week study programme in the UK for ombudsman offices, complaint-handling and human rights organisations. “When citizens complain: The role of the Ombudsman in improving public services” runs from 9 to 20 May 2011 and aims at:

  1. Examining the role of the ombudsman in improving public services in different countries
  2. Raising awareness of the importance of the ombudsman in dealing with governmental corruption and human rights violations, and in the promotion of good governance generally
  3. Examining ways in which ombudsman and human rights agencies can be made more effective
  4. Providing an opportunity for exploring a variety of systems and approaches in different countries.

A draft programme is already available, for further questions please contact:

Clare Walters, Programme Manager

Public Administration International

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