22. September 2023
On the evening of Wednesday 20 September 2023, IOI President Chris Field PSM was humbled to be able to welcome guests to a special evening in honour of Ukraine, and particularly for the city of Mariupol. President Field was joined by a number of distinguished speakers and guests.
22. September 2023
It was a great privilege and pleasure for IOI President Chris Field PSM to provide a Welcome Address at the International Conference of Ombudsman, “The Role of Ombudsman in the World: Between Reality and Possibility”, held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament in the beautiful city of Rome.
21. September 2023
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) invites Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions to participate in the launch of the European International Ombudsman Institute Learning Academy from 16 – 17 January 2024.
21. September 2023
Advocate Stephen Tiroyakgosi, the Ombudsman and Human Rights Commissioner of the Republic of Botswana, is pleased to announce that the registration is now open for the Second International Ombud Expo, which will be held in Gaborone, Botswana from 29 July to 2 August 2024.
21. September 2023
El 9 de septiembre de 2023, la síndica de greuges de Cataluña participó en el Segundo Encuentro de Igualdad de Rectoras y Directoras de Instituciones de Educación Superior, que ha tenido lugar en el Colegio de México, una institución de reconocido prestigio en educación superior e investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades.
21. September 2023
The Federal Public Defenders' Office (DPU), the Federal District Public Defenders' Office (DPDF) and the National Mechanism for the Prevention and Combat of Torture (MNPCT) published its report pointing out the human rights situation in Brazilian prisons after the arrest of people participating in anti-democratic attacks.
20. September 2023
In this fiftieth year of the Victorian Ombudsman, current Ombudsman Deborah Glass reflects on her time in the role in a recent conversation with the Victoria Law Foundation. The 'In Conversation' series, which is hosted by the Victorian Law Foundation, features some of Victoria’s most interesting public legal figures discussing critical issues.
18. September 2023
Les hacemos llegar el 88. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).