12. Jänner 2023
La Défenseure des droits, Claire Hédon, et Sabine Geil Gomez, Présidente de la Mission Locale Haute-Garonne, signent une convention au service de l’accès aux droits des jeunes.
12. Jänner 2023
The Ombudsman's National Preventive Mechanism Group members conducted an on-site-visit to the Sheki District Psychiatric Hospital without prior notice. The purpose of the visit was to monitor the treatment and conditions of the residents of the health setting, among other things.
12. Jänner 2023
Tras la intervención de la Defensoría del Pueblo, el Banco Santa Fe implementó medidas para evitar las estafas virtuales y el Banco Central tomó el compromiso de controlar la correcta puesta en marcha de las mismas.  
12. Jänner 2023
El Defensor del Pueblo ha insistido ante el Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones que ha de resolver las demoras en la concesión de citas en las diferentes oficinas de la Seguridad Social, así como la falta de disponibilidad de citas presenciales.
12. Jänner 2023
The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Peter Svetina, is concerned about the alarming state of the lack of family doctors.
12. Jänner 2023
The Ombudsman of the Basque Country (Ararteko) presents “Colour Earth”; a documentary that features a collective and intergenerational conversation on how the climate crisis is affecting children and young people, and uses colours to identify inspiring concepts for change. The documentary is available with subtitles in Basque, Spanish and English.
12. Jänner 2023
On November 3, 2022, Ms. Chen Chu, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, Mr. Jean-François Casabonne-Masonnave, Director of the French Office in Taipei, and Mr. Jérémie Pellet, CEO of Expertise France, jointly signed a cooperation agreement.
12. Jänner 2023
Ms. Ghada Hameed Habib has been appointed as Ombudswoman at the Interior Ministry by Royal Decree (62) of 2022.