1. Juni 2023
The Control Yuan Educational and Cultural Committee conducted circuit supervision on 24 April 2023, led by convener Pasuya Poiconx, accompanied by CY Vice-President Lee Hung-chun and a delegation of Control Yuan members. They visited the Taipei Laboratory of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) and the Taiwan Volcano Observatory at Tatun as well as the Xiaoyoukeng Volcano Continuous Gas Monitoring Station.
1. Juni 2023
On 16 May 2023, the first Hackathon of its kind was held at the Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman in Jerusalem. Students from institutions for higher education throughout the country, and from different disciplines, joined forces in work teams to brainstorm and find a solution to the challenge set before them: How to connect children and youth with the Office of the Ombudsman? How to acquaint them with the work of the Office and encourage them to use the services of the Office, for themselves and for those around them?
1. Juni 2023
On 25 May 2023 the ombuds institutions of the Benelux met in The Hague. The ombuds institutions of the Benelux meet annually to discuss cross border challenges citizens in their respective countries face.
1. Juni 2023
The 12th General Assembly of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman (AOM), which met in Kosovo, approved the Pristina Declaration. The declaration underscores the crucial role of Ombudsman institutions in upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms, urging State actors to adhere to international standards.
1. Juni 2023
El Defensor del Pueblo se ha dirigido al Consejo Superior de Deporte (CSD) para conocer qué actuaciones ha emprendido ese organismo tras los insultos racistas al jugador del Real Madrid Vinicius José Paixao Oliveira Junior, el pasado 21 de mayo de 2023 en el partido Real Madrid Club de Fútbol y el Valencia Club de Fútbol.
1. Juni 2023
Con profundo dolor, la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación lamenta comunicar el fallecimiento del Procurador Penitenciario de la Nación, Dr. Francisco Mugnolo, el 26 de mayo 2023 a sus 81 años.
1. Juni 2023
The Autumn 2023 Ombudsman Quarterly Review has been released by the Office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand.
1. Juni 2023
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia y la Defensoría Provincial de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes expresaron su satisfacción por la decisión del Tribunal Electoral de Santa Fe de habilitar para los próximos comicios el voto joven, es decir de los y las jóvenes de 16 y 17 años.