1. Dezember 2022
The Offices of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia and the Public Defender of Georgia have been awarded the IOI subsidy for regional projects 2020/2021. The project proposal submitted by the two offices dealt with “Strengthening the Capacities of the Armenian and Georgian Ombudspersons in Monitoring the Socio-Economic Rights during Emergency Situations”.
1. Dezember 2022
A widow approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Ajaz Ali Khan stating that the authorities concerned have refused to process her request for appointment in place of her deceased husband. To redress grievance of the complainant Ombudsman Sindh issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate enquiry against the Officers / Officials responsible for delaying the matter.
1. Dezember 2022
Following being welcomed to country by Glenda Kickett, Samuel-Yombich Pilot-Kickett and the Della Mob, the President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Western Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field, was honoured to address the 32nd Annual Silent Domestic Violence Memorial March.
1. Dezember 2022
On the sidelines of the Southeast Asian Ombudsman Forum (SEAOF) Meeting, held 30 October – 3 November 2022, in Bangkok, Chief Ombudsman Somsak Suwansujarit held a second Ombudsman-level meeting under the MOU on bilateral cooperation between the Ombudsman of Thailand and the Ombudsman of New Zealand. The Chief Ombudsman further took the opportunity of this SEAOF event to sign a MOU with the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste.
1. Dezember 2022
El Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya tiene el mandato de velar por la defensa de los derechos y las libertades en materia de no-discriminación por razón de género. El informe explica las dificultades y las barreras que se encuentran las mujeres a la hora de acceder a los cuerpos policiales. Las pruebas selectivas siguen estando pensadas para aptitudes típicamente masculinas.
28. November 2022
Les hacemos llegar el 48. Reporte Internacional de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
28. November 2022
El Instituto Latinoamericano del Ombudsman-Defensorías del Pueblo (ILO), llevó a cabo su XIII Asamblea y Seminario "Defensorías de Derechos Humanos y fortalecimiento democrático" en el Centro de Convenciones "Brigadier General Juan Bautista Bustos", situado en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, los días 16, 17 y 18 de noviembre de 2022.
24. November 2022
The first ever peer review undertaken under the auspices of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) finds that the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) delivers an “efficient, enhanced and effective modern service” and provides significant value for stakeholders. It has become a much stronger organisation since a previous independent peer review in 2018.