11. April 2024
Un proche d’un citoyen en fin de vie porte plainte contre un hôpital qui lui facture sa chambre privée. En raison de son état de santé, le citoyen a été isolé dans cette chambre dès son arrivée.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire comment le Protecteur du Citoyen est intervenu dans ce cas. 

8. April 2024
On 26 March 2024, the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), in collaboration with the IOI, held a webinar to discuss and understand the crucial role Ombudsman institutions play in safeguarding human rights. In case you missed the live session, or wish to revisit its insights, you can access the recording of this webinar on YouTube.
5. April 2024
The Ombudsman Commission recently hosted a comprehensive training program in Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province on 8 March 2024 and at the National Capital District on 14 March 2024. The training was aimed at enhancing the understanding of the Chief Executive Officers of the District Development Authority (DDA) and the Heads of Secretariats regarding their roles and responsibilities as leaders.
5. April 2024
The Head of the Committee on Foreign and National Defense Affairs Tzu-Yu Hsiao, President Chu Chen of the Control Yuan, and 13 Control Yuan members conducted a comprehensive inspection at the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) to gain a deeper understanding of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ promotion of development and the ICDF’s achievements in providing international assistance.
5. April 2024
The Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina is very pleased to conclude the discussions on the issue of rare diseases, because, with the establishment of the Register of Rare Non-Malignant Diseases and the preparation of the Work Plan in the field of rare diseases for the period 2021–2030, all the recommendations he made to the Ministry of Health have been taken into account.
5. April 2024
À l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale du 21 mars, la Défenseure des droits rend publique sa contribution au rapport annuel de la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH) sur la lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie.
5. April 2024
The Commissioner for Older People says more needs to be done to tackle age-based discrimination in Northern Ireland, as his latest report finds almost half of older people have experienced ageism.
5. April 2024
El síndic de Greuges, Ángel Luna, acompañado de la adjunta primera, Concha Bru, y del segundo, Carlos Castillo, ha presentado el 27 marzo de 2024 su Informe Anual 2023, en el que denuncia que las excusas de la Administración para no atender en un plazo razonable los derechos de la ciudadanía son “inaceptables”.