20. März 2024
The General Secretariat of the International Ombudsman Institute confirms that the Western Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field, has stepped down as President of the IOI.

According to the IOI By-laws, 1st Vice President, Ms Diane Welborn, Ombudsman of Dayton-Montgomery County will serve as President until a new President is elected.

In the interests of its members, the IOI feels compelled to clarify that Mr. Field`s travel activities in question were neither initiated, expected, nor commissioned by the IOI.

15. März 2024
At a gala event, the women's magazine "Die Burgenländerin" (in reference to the Austrian province of Burgenland) presented this year's awards to women from the region who are setting examples and leading the way on both small and large occasions. Ombudsperson Gaby Schwarz was delighted to receive the award in the category Society and Social Affairs.
14. März 2024
On 7 March 2024, the Ombudsman Ms. Winnie Chiu, held a press conference announcing the results of the direct investigation report on "Regulation of Licenced Swimming Pools by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department".
14. März 2024
On 8 March 2024, the NSW Ombudsman’s report A map of automated decision-making in the NSW Public Sector was tabled in Parliament. The special report under section 31 of the Ombudsman Act 1974 is an initiative by the NSW Ombudsman to increase visibility in the use of automated decision-making systems across the NSW public sector.
14. März 2024
The Office of the Ombudsman has presented to the Ministry of Agriculture, preliminary findings of its Systemic Investigation on the Implementation of the Affordable Inputs Programme for the 2022/23 and 2023/2024 growing seasons. Ombudsman Grace Malera led a team from her Office to interface with Agriculture Minister Sam Kawale, Ministry Officials and others from the Smallholder Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi.
14. März 2024
Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, paid an official visit to Bucharest on 18 January 2024, where he had a meeting with the Romanian People’s Advocate, Ms. Renate Weber.
14. März 2024
El 13 de marzo de 2024, la asociación mexicana Familiares por Nuestros Desaparecidos de Jalisco (FUNDEJ) recibió de manos de Felipe VI, el IX Premio de Derechos Humanos Rey de España que conceden el Defensor del Pueblo y la Universidad de Alcalá.
14. März 2024
Après avoir remis officiellement les rapports annuels 2021 et 2022 aux Présidents des Parlements le 24 janvier dernier, il est de tradition que ces rapports soient examinés par les différentes commissions parlementaires. Ce lundi 11 mars, le Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Marc Bertrand, a entamé ce parcours par la commission de la Fonction publique, du Tourisme et du Patrimoine.