18. August 2022
Tout service de garde en petite enfance peut accueillir un enfant handicapé. Mais seuls les milieux offrant des places à contribution réduite ont accès aux mesures d’intégration du gouvernement. Des mesures existent pour soutenir l’intégration des jeunes enfants handicapés en service de garde subventionnés.
18. August 2022
Le Médiateur du Faso, Madame Fatimata SANOU/TOURE, a reçu en audience le Représentant Résident du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD), Monsieur Mathieu CIOWELA ce jeudi 11 août 2022.
18. August 2022
El Defensor del Pueblo, Pablo Ulloa, puso a disposición del pueblo dominicano la primera versión de la Carta de Servicios al Ciudadano; donde se expresa su intención de garantizar la calidad de los servicios prestados a los ciudadanos y a todas las personas en la República Dominicana, con la debida transparencia, respeto, eficiencia, eficacia, accesibilidad e independencia.
18. August 2022
The Ombudsman of Sint Maarten, Ms. Gwendolien Mossel, recently published the 2021 year report. In 2021, a total of sixty-four (64) new complaints were filed and two (2) systemic investigations were initiated by the Ombudsman.
18. August 2022
The 2021 Annual Report of the Commission Against Corruption of Macao was published in the Official Gazette of the Macao Special Administrative Region on the 3rd of August. It is pointed out in the report that, in 2021, despite facing the recurrent and ever-changing outbreak of novel coronavirus, the CCAC sustained its effort in making progress on its work in an orderly manner with an aim to accomplish its different tasks with all-out efforts.
17. August 2022
Korea's anti-corruption policy performances will be shared at the 35th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group (ACTWG) Meeting, held in Thailand for two days from August 17.
12. August 2022
In their efforts to further increase the regional impact of the IOI, the members of the IOI Board of Directors decided at their Board meeting held in New York City in May 2022 to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2022/2023.
11. August 2022
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé on August 10, 2022 reported that public concerns and complaints to the provincial watchdog have returned almost to pre-pandemic levels. His office fielded 25,161 complaints and inquiries in fiscal 2021-2022, an increase of 25% over the previous year. Most (52%) were resolved in two weeks or less.