2. August 2022
Issue 14 of the “African Ombudsman Today”, the newsletter of the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA), is now available. The newsletter covers the period until March 2022 and puts a special focus on Africa Day, the celebration of the Ombudsman month and countries' feedback on the fight against COVID-19.
1. August 2022
The Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Catalan Ombudsman) has a new incumbent, Ms. Esther Giménez-Salinas i Colomer. Ms. Giménez-Salinas was elected by the Catalan Parliament on 30 June and took office on 14 July 2022.
1. August 2022
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced the launch of a direct investigation to examine the effectiveness of 1823, managed by the Efficiency Office (EO), in handling complaints and enquiries.
1. August 2022
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe reiteró su advertencia por el incremento de estafas virtuales y llamó a la ciudadanía a estar atenta para evitar este tipo de delito. En ese sentido, recordó una serie de recomendaciones para prevenir este tipo de situaciones.
1. August 2022
On Tuesday, July 19, Deputy Ombudsman Ineta Piļāne, together with other representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office, visited the border control posts in Terehova and Grebņeva.
1. August 2022
En août 1982, l’Etat français abrogeait les dispositions pénalisant les relations homosexuelles dans le code pénal. 40 ans plus tard, la Défenseure des droits s’inquiète de la persistance des discriminations envers les personnes LGBTI.
1. August 2022
In 2003 the government issued a policy concerning an execution of dredging brooks, streams, canals, ponds, lakes, coastal areas and rivers in order to prevent recurring floods and drought.
29. Juli 2022
Werner Amon, former Ombudsman of Austria and IOI Secretary General from 2019 – 2022, has been awarded IOI Honorary Life Membership for his commitment and successful work for the organization.