10. März 2021
The Catalan Ombudsman is organizing a webinar about the Catalan Public order model. The webinar will be held on 15 March 2021, at 16h00 Central European Time (CET). The webinar will be streamed on Youtube.
9. März 2021
Le conseil municipal a entériné la nomination de Nathalie Blais au titre d’ombudsman de la Ville de Laval lors de l’assemblée de ce soir. Mme Blais entrera en fonction le 8 mars 2021.
9. März 2021
Pour éclairer et alerter sur la situation de l’accès aux droits en France, le Défenseur a publié deux ouvrages aux éditions La documentation française. Cette nouvelle collection intitulée Les enquêtes du Défenseur des droits propose un ouvrage en deux tomes : Inégalités d’accès aux droits et discriminations en France.
9. März 2021
Ombudswoman Lora Vidović has submitted to the Croatian Parliament her annual report for the year 2020 containing an analysis of the issues faced by the citizens in the exercise of their human rights and incidences of discrimination. Its value lies especially in its 142 recommendations, mostly issued to the competent state administration bodies and aimed at achieving stronger human rights protection in virtually all areas of life.
9. März 2021
In view of current developments in Poland, the IOI reissues its official letter of support from October 2020, stating its opinion on provisions regulating the transitional period until a new office holder will be elected for the position of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights. Poland must apply and consider internationally recognized standards such as the Venice Principles to ensure that the Ombudsman institution is able to fulfil its mandate without interruption in the service of the citizens of Poland.
8. März 2021
Les hacemos llegar el 8. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” (27 de febrero al 5 de marzo de 2021), elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).
8. März 2021
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission since it was launched for the first time among local governments of Republic of Korea in February 2016 as an independent collegiate administrative agency. As an ombudsman organization, the commission is responsible for monitoring the municipal administration and protecting the rights and interests of our valued citizens.
8. März 2021
The Public Defender of Georgia is responding to the request relating to the increase in the amount of a social package intended for persons with disabilities and once again calls on the Government of Georgia to take all measures for the timely transition to a fair system of granting disability status.