8. März 2021
Intolerance against Muslims in any form — be it violence, discrimination, harassment or online abuse — has a detrimental effect on the lives of Muslim individuals and communities. This Guide, published by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Secutiry and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), is designed to aid governments in their actions on preventing and combating hate crimes.
8. März 2021
For the first time, 41 oversight bodies from across the globe joined with the APT on International Women’s Day to call for sustained government action to protect the rights of women in prison. The historic statement coordinated by the APT – the first time such a broad range of national and local oversight bodies have come together on this issue – addresses the risks of discrimination, abuse and ill-treatment faced by women in prison worldwide.
8. März 2021
Pour la première fois, 41 organismes de monitoring du monde entier ont rejoint l'APT à l'occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes afin de demander une action gouvernementale soutenue pour protéger les droits des femmes en prison. Cette déclaration aborde les risques de discrimination, d'abus et de mauvais traitements auxquels sont exposées les femmes en prison dans le monde entier.
8. März 2021
Por primera vez, 41 órganos de monitoreo de todo el mundo se han unido a la APT en el Día Internacional de la Mujer para pedir una acción gubernamental sostenida a fin de proteger a los derechos de las mujeres en prisión. Este comunicado histórico coordinado por la APT – la primera vez que tantos mecanismos nacionales y locales de monitoreo se han unido sobre esta temática – aborda los riesgos de discriminación, abuso y malos tratos a los que se enfrentan las mujeres en prisión en todo el mundo.
8. März 2021
Las trabajadoras de la institución estarán desobligadas a concurrir a sus puestos laborales para poder participar de las numerosas manifestaciones y actividades que se desarrollarán en el marco del Día de la Mujer. El organismo también adhirió “a las reivindicaciones del Movimiento de Mujeres”.
4. März 2021
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (4 March) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the Government’s mechanism for monitoring vaccines provided by private healthcare facilities (PHFs).
3. März 2021
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) adapts to the current challenges posed by the pandemic by expanding its e-learning capacities and offering new educational activities, including online master programmes and anti-corruption and compliances training.
3. März 2021
The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea published the most recent edition of its bi-monthly newsletter. Read about the highlights and activities within the Ombudsman Commission in the months of November and December 2020.