25. Jänner 2021
La APT ha trabajado junto a 16 mecanismos nacionales y locales de prevención (MNP/MLP) para preparar unas observaciones a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en la que se identifican medidas prácticas para promover la seguridad y la dignidad de las personas LGBTI privadas de libertad.
25. Jänner 2021
The Ararteko has issued a report with seven recommendations on the improvements needed in Basque public administration to ensure access to offices and services in pandemic times as well as effective enjoyment of rights and to fight digital exclusion.
25. Jänner 2021
El día 14 de enero de 2021 se desarrolló la Reunión Intersesional del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas titulada “Reconstruir mejor: Integrando los derechos humanos en sustentables y resilientes. Recuperación de la pandemia de COVID-19", en la partició el Subsecretario General a cargo de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Nación.
25. Jänner 2021
In 2020, the Public Defender of Georgia published a special report, in which she talked about the fact that the management model of semi-open establishments was based on informal hierarchy of prisoners, where the so-called "prison watchers" provide fictitious order, which aims to silence prisoners and prevent them from talking about their problems. The publication of this report was followed by public attacks on the Public Defender and illegal actions by the Minister of Justice and the Penitentiary Service. As a result, it has becomedangerous for the representatives of the Public Defender's Office to carry out visits and monitoring at the penitentiary establishments.
22. Jänner 2021
On orders of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan), the Education & Vocational Training Authority of the Government of Sindh paid financial assistance amounting to Rs. 1,200,00/-. The complainant appreciated the role of the Ombudsman for taking prompt action and providing speedy justice.
21. Jänner 2021
The first issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter is published on 1 January 2021. The Control Yuan Newsletter includes topics such as the latest news, government reforms, duties & powers, international exchanges, and human rights education, with a view to strengthening communication with and making our voice heard by international ombudsmen and the human rights community.
21. Jänner 2021
Los Adjuntos al Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz han tomado hoy posesión ante el titular de la Institución, Jesús Maeztu, y la presidenta del Parlamento andaluz, Marta Bosquet, que han presidido el acto. Los Adjuntos al Defensor del Pueblo andaluz para este mandato son Juana Pérez Oller, Jaime Raynaud Soto y Virginia Salmerón Millán.
21. Jänner 2021
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe envió a la ministra de Salud provincial, Sonia Martorano, un oficio solicitándole información respecto de los protocolos vigentes en el territorio provincial para los residentes santafesinos que regresan de vacaciones, tanto en el interior como el exterior de nuestro país, y el operativo para la detección del coronavirus.