21. Dezember 2020
El Defensor del Pueblo ha publicado el documento “Actuaciones ante la pandemia de covid-19”, donde relata las quejas recibidas y las actuaciones desarrolladas por la Institución en relación con la pandemia del coronavirus.
18. Dezember 2020
The Waka Tangata APOR E-News includes news and views from integrity organisations in the Pacific and Australasian Region. Issue 6 of the Waka Tangata APOR E-news is now available online.
18. Dezember 2020
The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman), published a report regarding a visit to the Reception and Accommodation Center in Kokkinotrimithia on 4 December 2020, which was made within the framework of her jurisdiction as National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and National Preventive Mechanism (NPM).
18. Dezember 2020
Syed Jamal Ud Din Shah, has taken over charge of the post of Provincial Ombudsman of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He follows Aqal Badshah Khattak, whose term of office ended earlier this year.
18. Dezember 2020
Ombudsman, and President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), Peter Tyndall has warmly welcomed the United Nations resolution on the Ombudsman institution, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 16 December 2020.
17. Dezember 2020
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, held a press conference on 17 December 2020 to announce the results of two direct investigations, namely "Effectiveness of Joint Office for Investigation of Water Seepage Complaints in Handling Water Seepage Reports" and "Arrangements for Production, Distribution, Stocktaking and Use of CSI Masks".
17. Dezember 2020
The timing of the lockdown of North Melbourne and Flemington public housing towers on July 4 was not based on direct health advice and violated Victorian human rights laws, an investigation by the Victorian Ombudsman has found. 
16. Dezember 2020
Ce lundi 14 décembre, George Pau-Langevin, adjointe à la Défenseure des droits chargée de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la promotion de l’égalité a participé à la conférence en ligne « L’IA au sein de l’Union Européenne :  Protéger les droits fondamentaux à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle », organisée par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) et la Présidence Allemande du Conseil de l’Europe.