9. Juli 2021
Victoria Pearman, Ombudsman for Bermuda, has submitted her Annual Report for 2020 to the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with her statutory duty under the Ombudsman Act 2004. The Report was tabled in the House of Assembly this morning and is available to the public.
9. Juli 2021
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has published a report about complaints related to NHS imaging. It highlights failings in the way X-rays and scans are reported on and followed up across the health service. The report includes recommendations for a system-wide programme of improvements for more effective and timely management of X-rays and scans. Ombudsman Rob Behrens has written to the Government urging it to prioritise improvements to NHS imaging services as part of the health sector's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
8. Juli 2021
In accordance with Article 18 of the Law on the “Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights,” the office of the Commissioner submitted the Annual Report 2020 on the status of observance and protection of human rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine.
8. Juli 2021
On Thursday 8 July 2021, the Western Australian Ombudsman and President of the International Ombudsman Institute released his investigation report "An investigation into the Office of the Public Advocate’s role in notifying the families of Mrs Joyce Savage, Mr Robert Ayling and Mr Kenneth Hartley of the deaths of Mrs Savage, Mr Ayling and Mr Hartley."
7. Juli 2021
Petri Jääskeläinen, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, presented the Parliamentary Ombudsman's Annual Report 2020 to Anu Vehviläinen, Speaker of Parliament, on Thursday 17 June. Like the previous year, a record number of complaints were received in 2020, in total 7,059. This is around 800 (13%) more than in 2019 (6,267).
7. Juli 2021
The Control Yuan is the official body responsible for the execution of the Sunshine Acts in Taiwan. The purpose of these Acts is to prevent corruption and the deleterious effects of money in politics and to promote clean politics.
7. Juli 2021
National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture issued a report on ad hoc visits to the rooms for detained persons or persons brought for sobering up within the units reporting to the Warsaw Police Headquarters and to the Voivodeship (i.e. Regional) Police Headquarters in Radom.
7. Juli 2021
A Victorian Ombudsman investigation has found prisoner disciplinary hearings are still done “in the dark” and the potential for unfairness remains rife. The probe into the prison disciplinary process, which deals with prisoners who break prison rules, also found prisoners with mental health issues and cognitive impairment were not always offered adequate support and information.