15. Juni 2020
Since 2016, the Human Rights Defender has started a new practice of developing jurisprudence and legal standards in decisions related to concrete cases. This procedure is based on the same principles as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Cassation or the Constitutional Court and is an example of how the case law can be developed through the work of the country's legal institutions based on international obligations.
12. Juni 2020
In this fascinating paper, Nick Bennett, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and IOI Board member describes the work he did to ultimately achieve new legislation which strengthened his Office.  It’s particularly interesting because in recognition of the independence of his Office, the legislation was developed by the Welsh Parliament (the National Assembly for Wales), and not the Government.
10. Juni 2020
La institución alerta acerca de las situaciones de gran vulnerabilidad de las chicas migrantes no acompañadas, a menudo más invisibilizadas, que requieren una atención muy especial y medidas específicas de apoyo y acompañamiento
10. Juni 2020
In its efforts to further increase its regional impact, the IOI will continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2020/2021. IOI members wishing to apply for a regional subsidy are asked to fill in the IOI subsidy application form and submit their project proposal to the General Secretariat by 14 August 2020.
10. Juni 2020
La lutte contre la pandémie du coronavirus a enregistré un nouveau donateur le jeudi 7 mai 2020. Il s’agit du Personnel du Médiateur de la République, à travers sa Caisse de Solidarité qui a volé au secours du Gouvernement avec 500.000 FCFA dans le but de l’accompagner pour soutenir le plan de contingence mis en place en vue de combattre la pandémie du COVID-19.
10. Juni 2020
At the meeting of the Seimas Committee on Human Rights, the issue of ensuring human rights in the institutions subordinated to the Prison Department during an emergency situation was discussed. During the meeting, Augustinas Normantas, the Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen‘s Office, drew the attention of the participants to the fact that quarantine conditions are currently being mitigated; therefore, it is necessary to talk about quarantine mitigation measures in correctional facilities.
10. Juni 2020
Tamar Gvaramadze, First Deputy Public Defender of Georgia, participated in the webinar - “Protecting forcibly displaced persons in the COVID-19 context: The role and experience of NHRIs and opportunities for collaboration with UNHCR, which was organized by the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, CeciliaJimenez-Damary.
10. Juni 2020
The Provedor de Justiça (Ombudsman) and senior staff of his Office benefited from training within the framework of the operationalization of the executive bodies of provincial decentralized governance and the bodies representing the State in the Province and the City of Maputo, administered by Dr. Bisa Novela, National Deputy Director of Local Administration Development of the Ministry of State Administration and Civil Service.