2. Juni 2020
The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman) presents a report on discriminatory policy towards children with disabilities.


28. Mai 2020
The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the subsequent rapid development of the pandemic have had a huge impact on all of us, but it has had a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable in our societies. The Ombudsman’s role is crucial in making sure people have access to the public services they need and that these services are delivered fairly. In a resolution adopted by the IOI Board of Directors on 18 May 2020, the IOI speaks out on this issue and calls on all Ombudsman institutions to redouble their efforts.
28. Mai 2020
El brote de coronavirus (COVID-19) y el veloz desarrollo de la pandemia ha tenido un impacto enorme en todos nosotros, pero ha tenido un impacto desproporcionado en la personas más vulnerables de nuestras sociedades. El papel del Ombudsman es fundamental para asegurar que cada persona pueda ejercer su derecho a acceder a los servicios públicos y para que estos servicios sean prestados de manera justa. En una resolución que la Junta Directiva del IIO adoptó en su reunión anual celebrada el día 18 de mayo de 2020, el IIO habla de este tema y exhorta a todas las instituciones del Ombudsman para que intensifiquen sus esfuerzos .
28. Mai 2020
L’éruption de la maladie à coronavirus ( COVID 19 ) et l’évolution rapide de la pandémie ont eu un effet énorme sur nous tous, mais l’effet de cette maladie sur les personnes les plus vulnérables de nos sociétés a été disproportionnel.Le rôle de l’Ombudsman est essentiel quand il s’agit de veiller à ce que les gens aient accès aux services publics dont ils ont besoin et que ces services soient fournis équitablement. Dans une résolution adoptée par le Conseil d’administration de l’IIO le 18 mai 2020, l’IIO s’exprime sur cette question et demande à toutes les institutions de l’ombudsman de multiplier leurs efforts.
28. Mai 2020
On 26 May 2020 five members of the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission have published a new report on the respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency. The Commission has previously produced general reports and country-specific opinions on both constitutional provisions and emergency legislation; a recent compilation of the Commission’s work in this area provided guidance into its specific findings.
27. Mai 2020
UNESCO has kicked off a global survey on public access to information within its efforts to assist countries to report on Sustainable Development Goal 16, particularly on its Target 16.10 which recognizes the contribution of access to information to justice, peace and strong institutions. Using SDG Indicator 16.10.2, the survey will track progress on the adoption and implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information around the world.
27. Mai 2020
During a conference-call meeting with the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr Anthony C. Mifsud, discussed the Government’s proposed legislative changes for the implementation of the recommendations made by the Venice Commission in December 2018.
26. Mai 2020
On Wednesday, 3 June 2020, GANHRI in cooperation with UNHCR will host a webinar on protecting forcibly displaced persons in the COVID-19 context and the role and experience of NHRIs and opportunities for collaboration with UNHCR. Save the date!